Sunday, August 24, 2008

First Aid Kit...Check.

With my first aid kit in hand and 6 big burley men following me with all of my worldly possesions being toted in bright blue IKEA bags, I moved into McDonald West dorm on the Bowling Green campus Saturday. To get from the car where we parked to my room, we walked three miles past six stations where they were handing out cups of ice cold H2O. As we were walking past these water stations I just kept thinking, "were not running a marathon, we are just moving me into my dorm room-" I know realize why so many. 3 miles, 4 flights of stairs, the entire length of a football field long building, and back down again...repeat. My roommate, Christina is really cool, she brought a "fold and fuck."

For everyone who told me that the Mac dorms were where the party's at--people on my floor must be smoking pot and drinking alone because everyone keeps their door closed except for my roommate and I. People are always welcome.

I appologize for being so syincal (is that how you spell it?), I really like it here, my mommy drove all the way from Knoxville and helped me move my stuff, for the record she was surprised how much I didn't bring. My stuff had room to breath in her car. I realy do like it here, people are really nice, I ate at the Pita Pit with a good friend, Cameron, and have been attempting to remember 3000 names. At least I brought my first aid kit and notes on CPR from my Red Cross Training.

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