Monday, March 2, 2009

The Way I see It #298

"Our prejudices arise from the fear of things we do not understand. If my generation has a single goal, it must be to promote education-- education that advances us not only technologically, but also intuitively and emotionally. In today's fast-paced world, advancing has no mean more than scientific discovery; it is our responsibility to force ourselves beyond our comfort zones and become knowledgeable about the people around us."

-Jessica Arden Ettinger
Starbucks customer and student at the University of Virginia

As I am preparing to leave this coming Friday for Columbus only to leave Sunday for Chicago, IL, I sit here in Starbucks reading Passing by Nella Larsen. I have recently lost my attention span and have realized that maybe that attention span has been lost longer than I thought. I am extremely indecisive when it comes to choosing a date movie, I get the same thing at my usual restaurants every time I go, I change my hair style and color faster than Ohio changes temperatures, and I have to always be doing three things at the same time. Maybe we all have a little attention deficit disorder in us?

I have been applying to Summer camps across the nation; I hope to be invited back to Appalachian Institute for Creative Learning one day but I understand the need for me to branch out. I will never be too old for Summer camp.

The opera just closed yesterday and can I say, "Thank GOD for that?" It was a long couple of weeks; I really enjoyed working with the crew, they were fantastic but it is nice to have my nights back to fill with a new show...onward to Into the Woods.

Curling class is going well except for the fact that I walk back to my dorm and next class in tears every day. My knee has not been getting worse but it is not getting any better, luckily I am getting an MRI on Wednesday and will schedule any necessary follow-up doctor visits while I am there.

I am also getting poked and prodded at another doctor but we will not get into all that...ladies...why can't we just all by new uteruses off ebay once a month? Doesn't that sound nice?

I guess...that was a fair 30 second catch-up on everything that has been going on. I would just like to give a shout-out to Wes who is traveling to Seoul, Korea from his home in Japan, happy travels!

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