Thursday, November 26, 2009


At Theta Thanksgiving, we began dinner with going around mentioning a few things we are thankful for this particular year. My family did this when we were younger and all four of us would say the same old thing, "Family and Food," (not necessarily always in that order). Being a college student, I am thankful for those that make life just a little easier and a little more fun. I cannot say thank you enough to my mom for helping me with my finances and making it possible for me to focus on my education. Tyler, you came at just the right time. Last but not least, thank you to the Kings, for taking me in and feeding me during Holidays and offering a place for me to stay if I simply just need to get away.
One thing I have learned this year is that I have two families, the one I was given, and the one that I have chosen. I have made a few unpopular choices in my life that have unfortunately, pushed the family I was given away but in turn, I have gained a deep connection to a family that truly cares for me. I have chosen to surround myself with people that make me happy and respect me for what I will one day accomplish. I may not always say the right things and I certainly will not always make the right choices but at the end of the day, I am thankful for that hug from Mrs. King that tells me I am wanted here.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I haven't posted on here in a while, I had two shows one right after another. I was Assistant Stage Manager and Choreographer for Burning Patience then just as I was getting back on track, I was Lighting Designer for the Newcommer's show for Freshmen and Transfer Students. I was given the reigns and told to go crazy.
Going into Burning Patience, I did not expect to do much past sweeping the stage and handelling the flow of backstage during the runs but two weeks into rehearsal the actors all realized they weren't too sure of the waltz. I have been dancing since I was 8 with my mom and every man who can lead. I taught the cast how to waltz and then choreographed a quick Latin Waltz number. It has been a good year.
My secret? The best compliment I have ever recieved was from a total stranger/staff member here at the University after the Newcommer's show telling me that it was the best lighting design he has ever seen in Brian Hall. I wish YOU could compliment me like that.